Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Dress like Clara Oswin Oswald

Posted by Hannah B.
Created on Polyvore

Hi Guys! Woah, 50 years! Insane, right? ;) well, it's not a 50th related outfit, sorry! Maybe soon!

Okay, so it's inspired from Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS. It's based on Clara. A red collar dress is what you really need, but I have a collar necklace and red dress in the picture.

There's no shoes in this set. I have an explanation... at first I couldn't find any that looked like her shoes in the episode. But I found a pair:

Okay... so now with the shoes and dress out of the way, let's go onto the tights. They should be black or grey if you wear them, but these are more of an optional.

Her hair was in a bun in the episode, so you'll need that if you are going to do a cosplay :)

Light blush, a bit of lipstick or lipgloss and you're good in the make-up department. Congratulations, you just learned how to dress like COO!

'Til later...

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