Posted by Hannah B.

Hello Whovians!
Hannah here! I have New Who again today, sorry! I'm hoping to to some Classic soon. Perhaps Four or Sarah-Jane.
This time I have an outfit based on Amy Pond from When A Good Man
Goes To War. I mean, I have to say, it's probably one of the easiest
cosplays you can do.
This is the pair of pants I found, but it is inaccurate. You need a bit baggier pants with pockets.
This is the exact shirt she wore in the episode (see first picture):
It's from All Saints.
These are the boots I found, which look pretty close to the ones in
the show...
And if you got the site, there is a Whole selection of similar boots.
Next you'll need a baby doll and a white blanket. The doll should be wrapped in the blanket, obviously.
Last but not least, a red wig. Or if you are ginger, make sure your
hair of flat down. Here's a wig I found:
And another:
Annnndddd that's all! Bye and thanks for reading! :)