Wednesday, October 30, 2013

David Tennant's .... Ponytail?

I know that this again has nothing to do with art, but I just have to post this! :P

In honor of the fact that David Tennant currently has a ponytail, I decided to have a little fun and make a clip-on ponytail for my friend's 10th Doctor doll:

Courtesy of the Official Doctor Who Tumblr Blog
 Like it? :)

The pony-tail by itself.  :P

Monday, October 14, 2013

Lost Episodes?!

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

That's right!  Last week, nine missing Doctor Who episodes were found in Nigeria. The episodes apparently contain Patrick Troughton adventures. No word yet on whether these episodes will be aired on TV, but my guess is they will probably show them.

Who knows?  Maybe these episode will explain complicated Doctor Who storylines... Will they explain how the Chameleon Circuit got broke in the first place?