Posted by Emily Sizemore
So by now, we all know the next doctor is Peter Capaldi. Even if you didn't watch the live reveal, the
Internet practically exploded and if you ask someone to name all the actors that have played the Doctor Peter Capaldi is now on the list. Everyone reacted differently to the news though. And so I bring you....
Four Reactions To Peter Capaldi Being The Next Doctor
A classic whovian is essentially a whovian who has been watching Doctor Who since, well forever. Most of these whovians rejoiced over the fact that the Doctor wasn't changing genders and that he had an air of Jon Pertwee about him. Anything Jon Pertwee is good. Anything.
2. The New Whovian
The new whovian has only been watching since the show was rebooted in 2005. Reactions were more cautious, since Peter Capaldi is older than all the Doctors in the restarted show. But they all decided he would be a good change of pace and would weed out those in our next category.
3. The Annoying Fangirl
You know them. The teenage girls only watching because of David Tennant, pay no attention to the storyline, and think Matt Smith is the third Doctor. These girls pretty much freaked out that Peter Capaldi isn't David Tennant, packed their bags, and left the fandom.
4. The Non-Whovian
The title is pretty much self-explanatory. Someone who doesn't watch Doctor Who. They pretty much sat there and wondered why the Internet crashed and burned and who the heck was Peter Capaldi. Poor lost souls...
So there y'all go. If you had any other reactions, or a funny reaction story, tell me in the comments.