Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fun with Fezzes and Cool Bow-Ties

Posted by ABBAFan456

Yesterday, I decided to have some fun and design for myself a bowtie...

... and a fez!

Cool, right?
And, while I was at it, I made a miniature bowtie for my friend's 11th Doctor doll.

Bowties are cool!  :D

An Extremely Brief Synopsis of the Christmas Special

Posted by Emily Sizemore

Ok, lots of ships, tons of aliens, essentially the Pandorica all over again. Clara needs a boyfriend, due to the fact she kinda sort of made one up, so calls the Doctor, who shows up naked (Reminder: send of brain bleach to Clara) which freaks out her family (No explanation needed there). Doctor and Clara run off, go to "Church" (AKA spaceship of awesomeness) hang out with some lady obsessed with war paint, teleport to this planet, get attack by Weeping Angels, summon TARDIS and- MATT SMITH IS BALD (Reminder: Buy brain bleach for self). The Doctor and Clara land in a town called Christmas which is surrounded by a truth field, find a crack in the universe in a church which is holding Galifray filled with Timelords asking Doctor Who? This is needed for confirmation that they have the right universe, but no one wants them back and if they came back the Time War would start all over again. Oh, and SURPRISE the planet's name is Tresalore! [Not sure on spelling, but y'all are smart and can probably figure it out] The Doctor sends Clara back to the TARDIS and sends her back home to keep her safe. He fights the aliens and tells the children stories and dances the same dance he did atAmy and Rory's wedding (These aren't tears. THEY ARE NOT TEARS! *sniffle*). Clara flew through the time vortex on the TARDIS, delaying it by three hundred years, finally shows up, and goes with the Doctor to visit War Paint Lady, who is now a Dalek along with everyone else in Church. She fights off Dalek control inside of her and saves the Doctor and Clara. AND THE DOCTOR LEAVES CLARA AND THERE'S THE LITTLE BOY AND ALL THE DRAWINGS AND OH MY EYES AND CLARA IS CRYING AND SHE GOES BACK AGAIN AND I CAN'T BREATHE AND SHE GOES TO BE WITH HIM WHEN THE DOCTOR DIES AND READS HIM A POEM ABOUT ELEVEN'S HOUR ENDING AND SOMEONE FIND A FLUFFY CREATURE TO CRY INTO AND HE GOES TO BE KILLED BY THE DALEKS AND CLARA SCREAMS AT TIMELORDS AND THIS IS WHAT IT MUST FEEL LIKE TO DIE AND THE TIMELORDS GIVE THE DOCTOR MORE REGENERATIONS AND HE SAVES EVERYONE FROM THE DALEKS AND IT'S ALL BURNING AND CLARA FINDS THE DOCTOR IN THE TARDIS AND HE'S EATING FISH FINGERS AND CUSTARD AND HE SEES ALL THE DRAWINGS BY THE CHILDREN WHO LOVED HIM AMD LITTLE AMELIA POND IS RUNNING THROUGH THEM AND I CAN'T STOP CRYING AND HE SAYS GOODBYE TO CLARA AND AMY POND ALL GROWN UP STROKES HIS FACE AND DON'T YOU DARE DROP THAT BOW TIE RAGGEDY MAN WE ALL LOVE YOU DON'T LEAVE US!!! Oh look, Peter Capaldi.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Companion of the Month: Clara Oswald

Posted by Kia Alan

Clara Oswald

   I want to start out my first column with Clara Oswald. I have found with recent excessive watching of the Eleventh Doctor's seasons that since Rose Tyler, Clara is the first companion he's been able to open up with. She, other than Amy and Rory, is my favorite. Everything about this character, from the way she was written to the way she is portrayed by Jenna Louise Coleman, is mysterious. I could go into so much more depth than what I am about to give you but I fear that would make this blog far too long.
   From the moment we meet this character in Asylum of the Daleks we never knew how far she would come, where the Doctor would take her and how much of a bond would be formed between these two. But, as Doctor did say many times before; she is impossible. Not just impossibly cute, but impossibly well pronounced. From saving the Doctor from the Daleks to dying more than once right before the Doctor's eyes - Clara Oswin Oswald was a mystery to us all. A mystery worth solving.
   I think my favorite exchange between these two was when Eleven asked her, 'how did you know?' and she simply responded, 'your eyes.' Clara is the kind of person to know when you're sad just by the simple look in your eye and I think that's why the Doctor loves her so much; because she can see through this impossibly intricate man who's seen the end of all things and the beginning of the universe, who's lived ten different lives and seen more people than he would to have liked to die right before his eyes. She sees his pain, she sees his hurt and all because of a look in his eyes.
   Clara and the Doctor aren't in love like Rose and Ten/Nine, they don't have a complicated relationship like Amy and Eleven; they're just friends, confidants. Remember in the 50th special how Eleven grabbed her hand and held it tight as he remembered his past and the War Doctor? For me, that's a powerful moment. Hand holding is a normal thing on Doctor Who because he wants to make sure his companions are always with him, always safe. So what makes that moment so special? Because he's afraid.
      "I've had many lives, many faces. And there's one I don't admit to; one I try very hard to forget."
   How many times have we seen the Doctor be afraid? Not many. This one sticks out to me because instead of covering up that fear with a fancy speech that makes cry, or his sad, heavy smile he instead becomes vulnerable. He reaches for the one person who he knows can comfort him. Clara. As he remembered what he had done, he looked to the floor with tears in his eyes and took the hand of the one person in the universe who could see through his pain and he held her hand tight, biting back any tears that may come. It is so nice to see the Doctor becoming vulnerable because it just reassures us that he really is human.
   Clara brings out that side of him. She doesn't make him vulnerable to make him look weak, she just has the special touch with him that makes him realize how human he's become over the many years and I think he likes that feeling. Not anyone, even the Doctor, can stay strong forever. Sometimes you have to break, sometimes you have to become vulnerable to really see how you can be strong again.
   I'm looking forward (in a strange happy/sad way) to see how Clara reacts to her Doctor leaving and Twelve showing up out of the blue. Will this beautiful bond between them weaver like it did with Rose when Ten came along? Will she see him as the same man? And most importantly will she still be able to see that pain in his eyes? It's going to new for all of us but I see Clara as kind to accept it and move on. Because just like she gives the Doctor strength, he give her strength.
   Clara Oswald will be a favorite of mine through it all. Whether you ship Whouffle´or not, like her or not, you can't deny the bond they have which makes their relationship even better than the others.

   "How do you know?"
      "Your eyes." - Clara and Eleven
   "How did you know that?"
      "Your eyes; they say everything." -Clara and the War Doctor

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Dress like Clara Oswin Oswald

Posted by Hannah B.
Created on Polyvore

Hi Guys! Woah, 50 years! Insane, right? ;) well, it's not a 50th related outfit, sorry! Maybe soon!

Okay, so it's inspired from Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS. It's based on Clara. A red collar dress is what you really need, but I have a collar necklace and red dress in the picture.

There's no shoes in this set. I have an explanation... at first I couldn't find any that looked like her shoes in the episode. But I found a pair:

Okay... so now with the shoes and dress out of the way, let's go onto the tights. They should be black or grey if you wear them, but these are more of an optional.

Her hair was in a bun in the episode, so you'll need that if you are going to do a cosplay :)

Light blush, a bit of lipstick or lipgloss and you're good in the make-up department. Congratulations, you just learned how to dress like COO!

'Til later...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

An Update from Emily - HISHE Videos!

Posted by Emily Sizemore

Ok so the recap is taking me longer than I thought it would. I got pretty busy, but it should be done either this weekend or the next. Sorry bout that :\

But I did find something ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS (Well, in my opinion) while I was poking around. There is a YouTube channel called HISHE (How It Should Have Ended) and they made "How Doomsday Should Have Ended". They also have another video with the Eleventh Doctor talking with Superman and Batman. It's not as funny as the first one, but it has it's moments.

Here they are:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Opinions on Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

(Bear in mind, this is opinions, you may not like it, but I stand by it!)

Well world, the episode has finally aired. The Day Of The Doctor was aired at the same time in 74 countries around the world! But what are the opinions of the Whovians? Here's my opinions on the episode the world has been waiting for.

First of all, I'm gonna start with the flaws. I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting just a little more with the episode characters. Billie Piper, who used to play Rose Tyler, came back instead as the machine the Doctor used to blow up Gallifrey.

Also, I'd like to point out that only three Doctors played a massive role in the episode (Matt Smith, David Tennent and John Hurt), with Clara and Rose beside them (but only John can see Rose).

Near the end, the three Doctors fly their TARDIS's into Gallifrey (won't spoil it for those who havint seen it yet) but it isn't just the three. All TWELVE (yes, twelve, including Mr Capaldi) fly their TARDISes into Gallifrey and save the day. 

Also, major flaw number two, aliens in the episode. The Daleks did make an apperence, just ... not as big as you think. 
Right at the start, you see the Daleks on Gallifrey, destroying the planet, and that's pretty much all they do. The most seen alien was the Zygons, shapeshifting aliens who take over the present day and Elizabeth I's time. Why should they play a bigger role the Daleks? The Daleks are the most feared beings in the universe!

Flaws aside, there were so many references in the episode, the first obvious one being the opening sequence, where they played the William Hartnell opening sequence. Straight after being a sign saying 76 Totters Lane, the place where Susan and the Doctor lived while Susan attended school. Cybermen heads were to be seen in the UNIT base in the Tower of London and so much more (I may need to watch again to see any more).

So in conclusion, would I say this is worth watching? My answer, yes, every Whovian must see this episode. This episode has its flaws, but this is the episode where it's starts to make sense of the doctors past, it will leave you surprised, but you will learn to love the show more, and the doctor himself.

On behalf of TARDIS Magazine, I would like to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOCTOR WHO! And here's to another 50 years.

And now, Whovians, lets raise out glasses of wine, dine on fish fingers and custard, and throw our fezzes (or Who hat?) in the air!


Monday, November 11, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

David Tennant's .... Ponytail?

I know that this again has nothing to do with art, but I just have to post this! :P

In honor of the fact that David Tennant currently has a ponytail, I decided to have a little fun and make a clip-on ponytail for my friend's 10th Doctor doll:

Courtesy of the Official Doctor Who Tumblr Blog
 Like it? :)

The pony-tail by itself.  :P

Monday, October 14, 2013

Lost Episodes?!

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

That's right!  Last week, nine missing Doctor Who episodes were found in Nigeria. The episodes apparently contain Patrick Troughton adventures. No word yet on whether these episodes will be aired on TV, but my guess is they will probably show them.

Who knows?  Maybe these episode will explain complicated Doctor Who storylines... Will they explain how the Chameleon Circuit got broke in the first place?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Emily's Lists: Four Reactions To Peter Capaldi Being The Next Doctor

Posted by Emily Sizemore

So by now, we all know the next doctor is Peter Capaldi. Even if you didn't watch the live reveal, the
Internet practically exploded and if you ask someone to name all the actors that have played the Doctor Peter Capaldi is now on the list. Everyone reacted differently to the news though. And so I bring you....

Four Reactions To Peter Capaldi Being The Next Doctor

1. The Classic Whovian
A classic whovian is essentially a whovian who has been watching Doctor Who since, well forever. Most of these whovians rejoiced over the fact that the Doctor wasn't changing genders and that he had an air of Jon Pertwee about him. Anything Jon Pertwee is good. Anything.

2. The New Whovian
The new whovian has only been watching since the show was rebooted in 2005. Reactions were more cautious, since Peter Capaldi is older than all the Doctors in the restarted show. But they all decided he would be a good change of pace and would weed out those in our next category.

3. The Annoying Fangirl
You know them. The teenage girls only watching because of David Tennant, pay no attention to the storyline, and think Matt Smith is the third Doctor. These girls pretty much freaked out that Peter Capaldi isn't David Tennant, packed their bags, and left the fandom.

4. The Non-Whovian
The title is pretty much self-explanatory. Someone who doesn't watch Doctor Who. They pretty much sat there and wondered why the Internet crashed and burned and who the heck was Peter Capaldi. Poor lost souls...
So there y'all go. If you had any other reactions, or a funny reaction story, tell me in the comments.

Story Submission: A Dream within a Dream

Posted by Allison Rose

My friend Lily and I co-wrote this fanfiction early on in our Whovianism.  We finally got the finished draft out this afternoon, and she suggested that we feature it here.  And so we are!

Doctor Who Dolls!

Posted by ABBAFan456

 I know this has nothing to do with art, but I felt like sharing this because it is Doctor Who-related.  :)

These are my homemade Doctor Who dolls.  From left to right: Donna, The 10th Doctor, and Rose.  The Doctor and Rose don't belong to me but to my friends who helped.  Donna belongs to me, though.  I also sewed all their clothes.

Making the Doctor's clothes was very tricky to make because first off, I have never sewed anything with pockets before this and I had never done anything with a collar, either.  So that was a bit of a challenge for me. :P


Rose's clothes was fairly simple to do.  I had based it off the clothes she wore in "Tooth and Claw" (which is actually one of my favorite episodes).   I had a lot of fun making her jumper as well as debating with a friend whether to put a flower on the pocket or not.  As you can see, we decided that it looked better with the flower.

Donna was extremely easy to do because I didn't have to make her any new clothes!  :D  The dress actually belongs to one of my other dolls.  I plan on making her a wedding dress.  I'm thinking that I should give her pockets so that she doesn't have anything to complain about...  :P

These are the only Doctor Who dolls I  have, but I am working on a bunch more. I currently have Amy, the 11th Doctor, the 9th Doctor (who is my favorite of all of the docs), Jackie, and Captain Jack as doll heads waiting to get bodies.

So just stay tuned and I'll probably have more to come soon.  :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Craft: Fourth Doctor Scarf

Posted by Allison Rose and Nina Avalon

In his seven year long tenure from 1974 to 1981, the Fourth Doctor, played by the marvelous Tom Baker, was famous for wearing his extremely long, multi-coloredscarf.  Nowadays, it is possible to buy replicas from all over the web, but wouldn't it be so much cooler to say that you made it yourself?

For this craft, you'll need the following supplies:

 - Yarn skeins in seven colors:
  1. Purple
  2. Red
  3. Beige
  4. Brown
  5. Yellow
  6. Dark green
  7. Gray
 - Nifty Knitter loom and hook
 - Crochet hook
 -  Scissors
 - Ruler
 - DVD case (optional - the authors recommend using a Doctor Who DVD case for optimal enjoyment of project, as they're fun to watch while looming)

Courtesy of Amazon
 Yarn looming is a much easier and quicker way to knit than using traditional needles.  This three-part tutorial will explain how to use the loom, as well as how to add on other colored stripes of yarn.  The tutorial uses the smallest loom, which has 24 pegs.  This loom will make a narrower scarf than the original, so if you're particular about this, you can use one of the larger looms.

Speaking of stripes, each stripe on the Doctor's scarf has a specific length.  For this craft, we recommend heading over to for some excellent scarf patterns.  This pattern, for example, is for the original scarf, as in subsequent seasons, new ones were made.

Now, let's get started!


Using the looming method shown in the tutorial, you can add on as many colored stripes as you want until the scarf is at the length you would like.  Use your ruler to measure the stripes.  (Unfortunately, this looming method won't give exact stripe lengths, but they'll be pretty close.)

Allison's scarf got to be about eight feet before she was satisfied with the length.  At that point, she decided to finish off the scarf with the last three stripes, 2 inches of brown, 6.5 inches of beige, and 1 inch of purple.

Decorating with Tassels

The third part of the aforementioned tutorial shows how to decorate the scarf with tassels.  The scarf that Tom Baker wore originally had twelve tassels on it, each tassel using a strand of each yarn color.  Because our scarf is narrower, you might want to use half the amount of tassels.

The video tutorial recommends wrapping the yarn around a plastic DVD case to get the right length.  That'll give you approximately 14 inch strands.  (Now that you know that, though, you don't really need the DVD case anymore, unless, of course, you're going to watch the Doctor Who episodes inside. :P)

When you're done, this is what your scarf will look like:

W is for Who
Scarf made by Allison Rose

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Recipe: Dalek Oreo Cake Bites!

Posted by Ari Bari

Well, howdy there! I'm the newbie on staff, and I can't wait to get started, sharing the joy and whimsical wisdom that is Doctor Who!  Today, I'd like to introduce to everyone the deliciousness that are Dalek-table Cake Bites. Now, I presume most of us have had cake bites before, but this brings it up to a new level. CChubs, on Flickr, was kind enough to post a recipe and instructions for the benefit of our collective stomachs.
What You Need:
1 510g box cake mix
1 450g (16 oz.) can white frosting
~5 cups (32 oz.) colored candy wafers (I used red and purple)
~1-2 cups chocolate candy wafers
~20 pretzel sticks, cut in half to make 40 shorter sticks
~40 eyeball decorations, or something similar
~1/2 cup slivered almonds, with angled tips cut off at one end
~40 oreo cookies

I know it’s lame to use pre-packaged cake mix and frosting, but there are a few good reasons for it. First, the proportions and textures are just right for making cake balls, whereas those of homemade mixes will vary or be inconsistent throughout. Second, making these things takes a good three to four hours, so cutting out extra time by using packaged cake and frosting is extremely helpful. Don’t worry, they still taste wonderful.

1) Bake your cake according to the directions on the box for one 13X9” cake. Let it cool completely then drop it into a LARGE bowl and crumble with your hands until it is fine and fluffy, with no chunks. Using the back of a large spoon, mix three quarters of the can of frosting in until even and thoroughly moist, so that you could roll some into a ball and have it hold its shape.

2) Roll the mixture, one piece at a time, into balls about 2" in diameter and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. You should be able to roll about 40 of these from one cake.

3) If you would like to finish the treats on the same day, chill in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, until they firm up (but don’t let them freeze). If you would like to leave the rest for the next day, you can cool them in the refrigerator for a number of hours and come back to them later.

4) While they are cooling, melt the chocolate wafers in the microwave 30 seconds at a time, stirring thoroughly between. For 2 cups of wafers, this should only take 1:00-1:30. DO NOT OVERHEAT OR LET ANY WATER TOUCH THE WAFERS: either of these ruins the consistency of the wafers and makes them useless to you. Try to microwave them in a deep bowl or cup, as you need the melted chocolate to be deep enough to dip.

5) Dip a pretzel into the chocolate coating as far as you can, leaving a little bit to hold on to at the end. Let some excess drip back into the bowl, holding it coated-side-down. Turn the stick coated-side-up and carefully place an eyeball decoration on the coated tip. Try to let it dry and set before placing it down on parchment paper, otherwise you might lose some of the coating to the parchment paper (I speed this up by holding the stick in the freezer for 30 seconds or so). Repeat until you have as many eye stalks as you do cake balls.

6) Remove the cake balls from the freezer or refrigerator. The bottom side of each ball should have flattened a bit, which is perfect for this recipe.

7) Melt candy wafers in the microwave 30 seconds at a time (I usually do 2 cups at a time), stirring thoroughly between. For 2 cups of wafers, this should only take 1:00-1:30. DO NOT OVERHEAT OR LET ANY WATER TOUCH THE WAFERS: either of these ruins the consistency of the wafers and makes them useless to you. Try to microwave them in a deep bowl or a measuring cup, as you need the melted candy to be deep enough to dip.

8) Hold a cake ball with the flattened side down and dip just that flat bit into the melted wafers. Place it flat onto an oreo cookie and press down lightly, letting the coating spread out and adhere the ball to the cookie. I recommend doing this for all ~40 cake balls before moving on, to ensure that this bond has set completely before you do the coating.

9) Holding the very top edge of the oreo cookie, with the cake ball upside down, submerge the cake ball into the melted coating until the coating just hits the bottom edge of the cookie. Try to be quick, or else the cake-cookie bond can melt and you can lose your cake ball (speaking from experience). Remove from the coating and hold right-side-up, letting the coating drip down and complete the seal to the cookie. If there is a lot of excess coating, you can hold the cookie at a slight angle and use a toothpick to skim some excess back into the bowl.

10) Before the coating sets, insert a slivered almond (cut-side-up) diagonally into each side of the Dalek head, and push the eye stalk into the front of its head until the colored coating meets the chocolate coating on the pretzel. Place down onto parchment paper to set completely.

11) Repeat about 40 times! These treats keep in the refrigerator for a week or more.



Sometimes if the cake balls are too cold when you do the coating, the cake expands as it warms up and cracks the coating. To prevent this, do not do the coating while the cake balls are too cold. Wait for them to warm up a bit after being in the freezer/refrigerator. However, if it does happen, you can use a toothpick covered in melted coating to seal up those cracks so that they don’t leak condensation or grease from the cake inside.

The Final Product: 


Again, thanks to CChubs on Flickr! Happy Baking!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Title Revealed!

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

The BBC revealed the episode name of the 50th anniversary special, "The Day Of The Doctor!"

The poster revealed shows David Tennant, Matt Smith and Jon Hurt on the poster, although not much more was revealed.

In an article by the BBC, a picture of the Daleks was shown, announcing that they will be in the special. (Kinda obvious, but yay!)  The BBC also revealed that Billie Piper, however, will make a guest appearance.

The name of the actor playing William Hartnell will be David Bradley, and BBC4 will soon be playing William's first adventure (no date announced).

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Recipe of the Month: Dalek Cake!

I'm pretty sure we all had our fair share of fish fingers and custard during YouTube's Geek Week and Fish Fingers and Custard Day, but this recipe's awesome outawesomes all that.  In fact, it's absolutely supreme!

I'm proud to share with you, a Dalek cake from YouTube's Ann Reardon of How To Cook That!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Familiar Faces, Double Identities

Posted by Allison Rose

Peter Capaldi isn't the first actor (or Doctor, for that matter,) who has had previous roles in Doctor Who:

1) Karen Gillan
Like Peter Capaldi, Karen Gillan played one of the eery, red-robed soothsayers in Series Four's episode, "The Fires of Pompeii."  Whovians know her better as Amy Pond from Series Five to Seven.

2) Colin Baker
The actor who so colorfully (pun intended) portrayed the Sixth Doctor in classic Who first appeared as another Time Lord, Commander Maxil, in a Fifth Doctor story arc, "The Arc of Infinity," which, ironically, did not contain an infinite amount of episodes, although fans of the Fifth Doctor would have most likely enjoyed that quite thoroughly.

3) Freema Ageyman
We know her as the Tenth Doctor's companion, Martha Jones, but before that, she played a character who is revealed to be Martha's cousin, Adeola.  Adeola worked for Torchwood, an organization which Martha later worked for as well in its eponymous spin-off series.

4) Chipo Chung
Chan-- Chung played Chantho in two episodes of the finale arc of Series Two, "Utopia" and "The Sound of Drums," a blue-skinned insect-like alien who worked with Professor Y.A.N.A. (you can figure out what that stands for).  The actress returned in Series Four to play the fortune teller who forces Donna to explore a disastrous alternate timeline.

5) Eve Myles
She's Gwen in Torchwood, but she also played a character named Gwendolyn back in Series One of the rebooted series, in the episode "The Unquiet Dead."  There's plenty of speculation as to why Gwen and Gwendolyn look the same, such as Gwen traveling back in time under an assumed name....

6) Bernard Cribbins
Remember Donna's sweet old grandfather, Wilf?  He had the honor of being the Doctor's companion in The End of Time, when David Tennant (sniff) regenerated into Matt Smith, but this is not the first time the actor has played a Doctor's companion.

Check out this trailer for the 1960s movie, Dr. Who and the Daleks.

"It's a flying saucer!"  Oh, Donna would be so jealous!


Bow Ties are ... Yummy?

Posted by Nina Avalon


Remembering Elisabeth Sladen

Posted by Ewan Cassidy


Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah-Jane Smith)

  To many Whovians, Sarah-Jane Smith will remain in their hearts forever.

 Since 1973, Elisabeth Sladen has played the role of a life time right to her death in 2011.  Her character, Sarah-Jane, has done almost everything in Doctor Who. Since joining Jon Pertwee, the Third Doctor, Sarah-Jane has battled Daleks, fought The Loch Ness Monster, met a robot dog called K-9, and adopted an alien son named Luke.

How to Dress like River from "Time of the Angels"

Posted by Hannah B.
Made with Polyvore -- click here to see the original and interact with the pictures

Shoes: Christian Louboutin Bianca
Dress: Aftershock Womens Black Lace Long Sleeved Low Back Dress
Purse: Vivienne Westwood Women's Divina Small Jasmine Red Leather Bag

The shoes are exact, and the dress and purse are similars.

Note from the Editor:  Unfortunately, after this issue, we'll be saying good bye to Hannah and her fashion advice.  Her position is now open.  To submit a staff application, please visit our Figment group page.

It's September!

Posted by Allison Rose, Editor-in-Chief

Hello Readers, and welcome to our second issue of TARDIS Magazine!

"I'm bored!"
  So much happened last month, with the announcement of the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi, and what I learned was a Whovian holiday, Daaaaalek Appreciation Day.  This month might seem a bit boring by comparison.

  But fear not, through rain, sleet, hail, and school (hopefully,) we'll keep you guys un-bored!

  (If you'd like to help us help you stay un-bored, though, feel free to stop by our group and apply for a job.  Our fashion columnist position has opened back up - if you're interested in continuing it, please contact us!)

  Oh dear, that sounded so gloomy.  I suppose having a picture of Sherlock up there didn't help matters much....  Well, look to the bright side - only two months to go now until our favorite BBC shows return!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Emily's Lists: Dalek Appreciation Day

Posted by Emily Sizemore
Today, August eighth, is Dalek Appreciation Day, so to celebrate I have come up with………

Six Reasons Why Daleks Are Awesome

1. They are immortal
No matter how many time the Daleks have been blown up, throw into the void, erased from time, etc. they always managed to come back. So the Doctor blew up all the Timelords and all the Daleks, but one somehow makes it. Then the one that made it self-destructs itself, but then there are thousands more that just show up out if nowhere?

2. They make the Doctor angry
Don't we all just love it when the Doctor gets angry? And nothing makes him angrier than the Daleks. Daleks are the only creature that the Doctor will kill with no remorse, so they bring out a different side of the Doctor. A side so scary that we want all the Daleks to be blown up just so the evil side of the Doctor will go away.

3. They have made asking for explanations so much more fun
You can either say 'Please explain that to me' or 'Explain, Explain, Explain!' But only if you hold out the syllables like a Dalek would, because otherwise you just sound overly eager.

4. They have been there since the beginning
You can write an essay on how each Doctor deals with the Daleks! Sylvester McCoy will blow up the Daleks with Nitro Nine Ace is NOT carrying, but Matt Smith will blow them up with missiles!

5. They have an awesome creator
Davros is awesome. On a scale of one to ten, he is a Gamma ray. For those who don't talk nerd speak that's a ten point five

6. They make a good insult
If you ever need to insult someone, just call them a Dalek. They most likely won't get it and won't realize that you just called them the worst thing imaginable. 

So there are six reasons why Daleks are awesome. Are there more? Yes. Would I bore you to tears telling you each one? Also a yes. If you come up with any brilliant ones, please post them in the comments.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Comics Page

Posted by Allison Rose

Here's this month's Comics Page!  If you'd like to see your comic featured in next month's collection, please visit our Figment discussion page (yes, you'll need an account to post).

Created by Allison Rose and Tetra M.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Draw Rose Tyler

Posted by ABBAFan456

 Hello everyone!  Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a cartoon version of Rose Tyler.  Enjoy!  :)

Recipe of the Month: Still-Not-Gingerbread Cookies

Posted by Allison Rose

To celebrate the arrival of the Twelfth Doctor, and the (unfortunate?) fact that he still isn't a redhead, I scoured the web for a good recipe of what I call "Still-Not-Gingerbread Cookies!"  This one is from Martha Stewart's website, and it's fairly simple to do.

Gingerbread Cookies

Everyday Food, December 2004
  • Prep Time 40 minutes
  • Total Time 3 hours 30 minutes
Yield Makes 36


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled), plus more for rolling
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/3 cup packed dark-brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup unsulfured molasses
  • 1 large egg
  • Decorating sugar or sprinkles (optional)

Read the rest of the recipe here.

Episode Recap -- "Bells of Saint John" (S706)

Posted by Emily Sizemore

As anticipation grows for the fiftieth anniversary special, then the Christmas special where we will say goodbye to the much loved Matt Smith, I believe it is time for us to revisit what has happened this year. With that, here is a recap of the first episode of the latest season, 'The Bells of Saint John'

This episode opens with a video. A warning. About the Wifi. And it isn't about the government watching us through the Wifi. That's new. So apparently, if a wifi network shows up with that is just a bunch of strange symbols you don't want to click it (Even if it is free).  Why not click it? If you do you will die within twenty four hours and you soul will be uploaded to the internet. Sounds fun.

The Doctor appears to be hiding out in Cumbria 1207, as a monk. Well sort of a monk. He stays in the basement. Until the bells of Saint John ring. Surprise! The bells of Saint John is the TARDIS telephone! And here's another surprise. Clara, the girl twice dead, is on the line and just as confused as the Doctor. She been told this was the Internet help line or something. A woman gave the number to her saying it was the best help she knew. (Sounds like River, doesn't it?) Since the other Wifi is locked, Clara ends up clicking on the evil Wifi. But the Doctor has shown up, so everything should be alright. And since, he was doing his mad man in a box routine, Clara locks him out of the house. (Good Clara! Oh wait, he's helping. Bad Clara!) And that's when the creepy little girl shows up. (Why does this show always have a creepy little child every season?) Turns out, the creepy little child is a soul taking, Wifi robot thing and she's here to kill Clara and upload her soul to the Internet. And where's the Doctor why Clara is being killed? He's changing clothes. (Not a good idea to change clothes once your friend has clicked on the evil Wifi.) By the time he's done, Clara is already dead and is being uploaded to the Internet. But the Doctor fixes everything with his amazing computer skills and brings her back! (Now can we call her the girl three times dead?) Clara wakes up later in the day, and can't remember what happened to her. (And the Doctor invented the quadricycle in his spare time.)

Clara comes down to the Doctor and he explains the whole evil Wifi thing to her. Then another creepy soul taking, Wifi robot thing shows up, and the Doctor wants Clara to get in the box aka the TARDIS. She doesn't seem to like the idea of being crammed in a small box with a strange man, until a plane starts coming for them and the Doctor drags her in with him. She starts yelling stuff about bigger on the inside, the Doctor flies the TARDIS into the plane trying to kill them, and drags Clara back out again. (Really Doctor? The plane is trying to kill you so where do you go? To the plane itself.) The plane is crashing and guess what? The Doctor doesn't know how to fly a plane. (You would think you might have time for flying lessons if you lived a thousand years but apparently not.) He manages to not crash the plane until the pilot wakes up, before running of to the TARDIS again. He skips to breakfast, grabs a motorcycle and away they go.

The Doctor tries to figure out where the evil wifi people are but he can't get a physical location. Clara knows how though. The Doctor runs off to get coffee, and has a chat with the evil Wifi lady through people she takes over. (Can you say majorly creepy?) Clara finds the location of the evil Wifi people by checking their Facebooks and seeing where they are at. (Did no one tell these people that if you work at a top secret factuality, you don't want to post it on Facebook?) But before she can use this information a soul taking, Wifi robot version of the Doctor shows up and fulling uploads Clara into the Internet. (The girl four times dead. When will she stop dying?) The Doctor rides off on his motorcycle to this place called the Shard, which is where the evil Wifi people are hiding out. Evil Wifi lady tells the Doctor that there is no way for him to get in, because the building is under lockdown. Surprise! It's an anti gravity motorcycle! He can just drive up the building! The Doctor crashes through a window into evil Wifi lady's office and demands that she release Clara. Evil Wifi lady says that the only way she can release Clara would be to un-download the whole cloud and there is no way she is going to do that. Surprise! The Doctor isn't actually the Doctor, it's the soul taking, Wifi robot Doctor! Soul taking, Wifi robot Doctor downloads evil Wifi lady to the cloud, which gives her enough motivation to release everyone in the cloud. (Probability that a whovian is ever going to store something in the cloud again: Very, very low.) Then this thing called the Great Intelligence, which is what was controlling the evil Wifi and all who worked with the evil Wifi, removes itself from evil Wifi lady and Co. (Haven't we heard of the Great Intelligence before?) None of them know why they are there. Looks like the Great Intelligence just takes over your mind. And evil Wifi lady? The Great Intelligence was in her mind since she was a child. I guess she wasn't so evil after all.

Clara is alive and well again though and considering whether or not to travel with the Doctor. "Come back tomorrow." She says. (But we all know what she will decide don't we?)

And here is a bonus. Look at who wrote this book featured in the episode.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Posted by Allison Rose

  I'd been pretty surprised to learn that Peter Capaldi had been in Doctor Who before, as Caecillius in "The Fires of Pompeii," but I hadn't expected this fan letter from ~1973:

Courtesy of Tumblr


Fifth Doctor: "I know who you are!"
Tenth Doctor: "Oh yes...."
Fifth Doctor: "You're a ... fan!"
--"Time Crash," Doctor Who Children in Need Special, 2007
 How many fans are lucky enough to land a part in their favorite TV series?  And the lead part at that?  I can say "Congratulations, Mr. Capaldi" with even more meaning now!

PS. Roger Delgado, the first actor to portray the Master, died at the age of fifty-five -- the same age as Peter Capaldi is now, forty years later, when he is playing the Master's archnemesis.  This gets uncannier and uncannier!

Doctor Who Fanfic Submission: My Dad the Time Lord

Posted by Allison Rose

  I'm super-excited to share our first fanfic submission, My Dad the Time Lord, by Carleigh Campbell!  This awesome story is about Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, whom we met in Season Four's eponymous episode, and how she returns to her father after an encounter with death.  Thank you, Carleigh!

Best of Who -- The Tenth Doctor's Regeneration Scene

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

The Tenth Doctor's Regeneration Scene 

This scene is the scene I cry over every time I watch!  I remember the day when David Tennant announced he was leaving, I was screaming "NO YOU ARE NOT LEAVING!" But looking at this scene, this is the moment when Doctor Who fans are in tears!  Especially me, I couldn't stop crying for ages, and I'm still crying four years later!

Doctor Puppet

Isn't he CUTE?!
  A couple of months ago, I discovered perhaps the cutest (from a non-fangirl's perspective) incarnation of the Doctor ever: the Doctor Puppet!

  A lady from Brooklyn, NY named Alisa Stern has produced four fantastic stop-motion animated short films featuring Doctor Puppet, the most recent one having been released today.

  With every episode, I'm always surprised by the new puppets Ms. Stern introduces.  As shown in the picture, the main character of the series is the Eleventh Doctor, but puppets of his previous incarnations have also made guest appearances, as well as another Time Lord whom I shall not identify in case you haven't seen the fourth episode yet.... ;)

  The puppets I'm hoping to see next are Rose Tyler, the Ponds, and (yes,) Captain Jack.

  You can see all of the episodes on the official Doctor Puppet YouTube channel.  I simply can't get over how adorable the puppets are!!!

My Hopes for the 50th Anniversary

Posted by Ewan Cassidy

With the announcement of Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor, it leaves one less thing to worry about.... Now, what would be on most Whovians minds? THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL!  From what I know, David Tennent and Billie Piper will be the past Doctor and companion in the special, I haven't heard any word on anyone else, but who would I like back for the 50th anniversary?

  First of all, who wouldn't like to see John Simm return as The Master? In my opinion he was one of those Doctor Who villains who I would love to see come back. Although he was last seen dying in the Doctors arms, not regenerating, I would love it if the Time Lords of Gallifrey forced him to regenerate to spend the rest of his days in jail (space jail).

  Another actress I would love to see is the talented Catherine Tate, who played Donna Noble for one series in the David Tennant years, plus two Xmas specials ,and a New Years special. Donna was definately the funniest companion in recent years, and I know she is a comedian, but she was hilarious.  I'm actually a little surprised that she and David Tennant didn't do anything else funny together after they left.

  But what about actors who actually played the Doctor? The last time there was a Doctor Who combination was 'The Five Doctors" with the first five Doctors. That included: Richard Hundall as Will Hartnell, (sadly he passed away before this event,) Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, (although did not appear in much of it,) and Peter Davison. My gran got me the DVD of this episode and I watched it going back to Doctor Who past for the first time, and I loved seeing the Cybermen walk 80's style. Seeing an old Master played by Anthony Ainley, old Daleks.... But most importantly, old Doctors. It was great seeing these actors come together, and the storyline fitted very well. I hope to see Anthony Ainley and John Simm come together. That would be amazing.

  In my opinion, there is one companion who stood above all: Sarah-Jane Smith, played by the legendary Elisabeth Sladen. Sladen unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago. I remember hearing the news that she'd passed away and just couldn't help but feel sad. She had been in the middle of filming the hit Doctor Who spin-off, The Sarah-Jane Adventures when she diedIt's a shame she never got to finish what she'd started.

  But, that aside, I hope that the 50th Anniversary Special goes well. I can't wait for when it airs November 24th!

(Ewan Cassidy Reporting. Upload time 12:49 PM (UK))

Images courtesy of Wikipedia

How to Dress like Madame Kovarian and a Weeping Angel

Posted by Hannah, fashion columnist for TARDIS Magazine

Hi! Hannah here again :) This time I'm going to teach you to do Madame Kovarian and a Weeping Angel.

Made with Polyvore -- click here to see the original and interact with the pictures

For Madame Kovarian, make-up is a must have! Dark red lipstick, dark tan blush, and black mascara and eyeliner.

You'll need a white dress top, a black suit jacket and a mid-shin black skirt. Add a pair of high-heeled black shoes and you've got it mostly covered.

For hair, you'll need semi-curly hair piled into a sort of messy bun. You'll need an eye patch, or perhaps an eye patch handbag, or maybe a necklace with an eye patch.

For a weeping angel, you'll need very little make up, just a bit of black eyeliner and some grey eyeshadow.
A grey, tank-top sleeved, long dress, a grey jacket if you want, and white or grey sandals..

You'll want to have wings somewhere, whether it be a necklace, earrings, a temp. tattoo, anything. A few grey and white bracelets add flair, or maybe a grey anklet.

For hair, a messy bun or just straight down hair.

Hannah, signing off! 'Till next time!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

All About Peter Capaldi

Posted by Ewan Cassidy, UK Correspondent for TARDIS Magazine

We finally know, Mr. Peter Capaldi is the 12th actor to play the greatest role in TV history. So what are my first opinions on Mr. Capaldi? Well, he's Scottish (where I'm from)!  If you recall, he's the second Scottish Doctor and also the second Doctor with the name Peter.

But who is Peter Capaldi? Well, he is the first Oscar nominated/winning actor to play the Doctor. True Whovians will remember him in The Fires Of Pompeii as a Roman dad (I can't remember who he played).  And he was also a doctor, a spin doctor, in another TV show.

Images courtesy of the BBC
But let's take a look at what Capaldi was wearing. His suit reminded me so much of David Tennent, only Capaldi's suit was black while Tennent's suit was more blue, (when Tennent's wore it,) so I hope Capaldi's outfit will remind me of the greatest Doctor of all time!  (I love David Tennent, ok?)

So what do I think of Peter Capaldi?  He seems nice.  I know most fans will be shocked to see that John Hurt is not the Doctor, but let's give Mr Capaldi a chance.  We probably need to wait a year to really see him actually do stuff, but I look forward to it.

But one more thing, what of John Hurt? It clearly said "John Hurt as the Doctor!"  My assumption is he may be the next actor to play the Master, but I'll make a new report on that.  If the master comes back, what would happen?

(Ewan Cassidy Reporting. Time Uploaded 10:53 PM (UK))

Heavy traffic!

Posted by Allison Rose

This is what happens when you try to log onto the official Doctor Who website looks like right now:

"This might be because we are experiencing abnormal traffic to our network...."  You don't say!

I wonder what side of the road this traffic is coming in on...?

The Next Doctor is In!

Posted by Ewan Cassidy, UK Correspondent for TARDIS Magazine
Courtesy of Wikipedia


Rose and the Ninth Doctor-inspired Outfits

Posted by Hannah, fashion columnist for TARDIS Magazine

Hi! I'm Hannah, the fashion columnist for TARDIS magazine. My first outfits are of the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler, both for females, from Season One, Episode One: "Rose." :-)

Made with Polyvore -- click here to see the original and interact with the pictures

For Rose, very little makeup is needed. Just a bit of blush, mascara and lip gloss, all in a light pink/tan shade, with the mascara being dark black.

A pink tank top looks great if matched with a darker pink zip-up hoodie. Jeans with flared bottoms- not bell bottoms, but flared.

Hoop earrings in gold or silver are pretty much a simple must-have. White tennis shoes are a good idea, and a multi-colored in blocks or splatters messenger bag is not a must-have, but is good for a Rose Tyler look.
Now onto Nine- he's a bit simpler, and make-up is optional, even if you are doing a female dress-up/cosplay.

You'll want to have black lace-up boots, absolutely NOT cowboy boots, and either black trousers or a leather/black skirt.

You'll need a dark coloured jumper, preferably in green or purple, and a leather jacket. A key on a string or chain and put on as a necklace is an optional and fun way to add a bit more flair as well.

Hope all your dress ups are great! 'Till next time, Whovians!


Best of the Web: "I Am the Doctor" fan cover

Posted by Allison Rose

 One of my least favorite Doctor Who scores is the Eleventh Doctor's theme, "I Am the Doctor."  It's very repetitive.  I don't begrudge people who enjoy it, although I think it's a bit strange to listen to it for, say, forty minutes straight!  All the same, I came across this really cool video a few weeks ago of one girl playing the entire song all on her own.  She recorded herself probably as many times as the Doctor has years in his life -- check it out!

Counting Down....

Posted by Ewan Cassidy, UK Correspondent for TARDIS Magazine

  The countdown is on! In less than 6 and a half hours, we will find out who will play the next Doctor. But what do you think? Who do you think the next Doctor will be? Let me know. This is THE first place to find out who the next Doctor will be.

(Ewan Cassidy reporting. Time Uploaded, 12:34 PM (UK))

Saturday, August 3, 2013

*Who* Do I Want To Be Next Doctor?

Posted by Ewan Cassidy, UK Correspondent for TARDIS Magazine

  Tomorrow America will know who the next Doctor will be. (I say America because I'm from Scotland, so I will be finding out technically today, as it is early morning here.)  Some people say it will be John Hurt, and they could be right.  Rumors also have it that for the first time ever, a female will play the part. But let's come to the conclusion that John will be the next Doctor.

  Now I've never heard of this guy, but when he showed his face my mum said, and I quote, "He's a good actor."  Now he may be, but Doctor Who has never been about good acting; it's about being right for the part.

  Take David Tennent, for example.  I bet that when you first saw his face, you didn''t think he was a good enough actor to play the Doctor, but look what happend, he became (in my opinion) THE best actor to play the role!  Why? Although he was definately the funniest, he was also the best suited for the role. From the ten second glimpse we got of John Hurt's face at the end of Season Seven's finale, "The Name of the Doctor," I didn't really think he would suit the role of playing the Doctor.  Heck, he could be the first person to play it who's over his 40's since Will Hartnell (joking)!

  Now lets look on the female Doctor side. Whenever the subject of "who will be the next Doctor?" comes up, often I hear "a girl will play it" or "it's about time a woman played a man's part," which may be a good idea.  But let'ss assume a woman will be playing the part. Who would be right for it?

 Rumor also has it that Billie Piper will play the next Doctor...  If Billie Pipier were to take up the role, it would leave me confused, since she has already been in Doctor Who as the lovely Rose Tyler.  But wouldn't it be kind of confusing to see a companion who (spoiler alert) got sucked into a parallel universe become a time lord?  How would the writers put it in? Would it make sense in the end? Who (pun intended) knows?
  Also, another woman supposedly up for the part is Herminoe Granger (I've never read or seen Harry potter ok.) Ok, now the actress has already been in 7/8 major films, (all of them Harry Potter that I know of,) but would she be suited for the role of a time lord? Wizard to time traveller. Again, wouldn't make much sense for Potter fans.

  In conclusion, I don't know who I want to be the next doctor, but just be glad, it won't be Zack Efron. Cause if it is, Doctor Who would be ruined forever!

Editor's note: the views presented in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of every staff member.

Welcome to the TARDIS Magazine!

Posted by Allison R.

I'm super-proud to announce that TARDIS Magazine, an online fan-made magazine about the BBC sci-fi serial Doctor Who, is now up and running!

This year is a really pivotal time for the Doctor Who series, as we celebrate fifty years of Who and usher in the Doctor's new incarnation.  Saying goodbye to David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor was hard enough for so many fans -- now we must do the same for Matt Smith's Eleventh.

The big announcement will be made tomorrow night at 7 PM, British time, on channel BBC One.  If you have access to this channel, tune in.  If not, rest assured, Ewan, our Scotland-based Whovian News reporter, will tell all in his first news report.

Also coming soon will be our Fan Art page, featuring drawings sent in via our Figment group, episode recaps as of November, a fashion column with tips on how to incorporate your favorite characters' dress styles into your everyday fashion, and much, much more!

Oh, and check out this article from Doctor Who's official website for a chance to have the mysterious Doctor Twelve answer your question on the air!

Images courtesy of the BBC website.